NOTE: I originally wrote this post in 2013. One year later, my wife, the creator of this blog, went to heaven. So I lived out what many others have and still fully believe what the Lord gave me below. Mishelle is in heaven, fully healed. I miss her and know that I will see her again soon. God is a healing God! ~Joshua ____________________________
When we face a circumstance like this, where you stand on the Word, say the healing Scriptures over someone, but they die, we easily start to question: What happened?
Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus Christ (The WORD) is the same yesterday, today and for ever. Isaiah 55:11 says "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."
So God is the same, His Word never changes. How can these things happen then if I was standing on the Word? That answer comes from another Scripture. In Matthew 9:29, Jesus touched the eyes of the blind men and said: "According to your faith be it unto you." Now before you get offended and say "but I did have faith" let me explain the word I am emphasizing: 'your'. When we stand in faith for a loved one we have limited authority over their life in the spirit realm. The key person whose faith really counts is the one who is sick. And believe me, I am talking as the "loved one" of my wife whose faith I had to boost by constant encouragement and prayer that her spiritual eyes be opened. Because I knew that I could pray until I turned blue but it was her faith that counted for her healing.
The only exceptions to that in the Bible are for parents of young children. You can see multiple times in Jesus' ministry that a parent brought their child to Jesus or came to Jesus and asked for healing for the child, and the child was healed. But for all adults, the adult had to have the faith.
Now look at the man sick of the palsy in Mark 2. He was an adult because Jesus spoke directly to him. But his friends carried him and lowered him through the roof to Jesus. That is our part: take our loved ones to the Word!
One more thing. When a person is fighting a life-threatening disease, they are already weak and down. Unless they already had a really strong spirit before the sickness, getting someone to fight in that state is difficult. Not impossible, but difficult. The body is telling them that it is over and that it is easier to quit. And in fact, it is easier. I have never done boxing with anyone (fighting). If I suddenly found myself in a boxing ring with a champion fighter, it is really not the best time to learn to fight. It is the same with faith. The Bible tells us to LIVE by faith. We should be exercising our faith for small, medium and large things all the time. "Lord, I'm asking for the $50 I need for this bill." or "Lord, thank you for my healing for this headache."
I have seen God move in my life with healing many times but my wife grew up in a church that told you that this sickness might be from God to teach you something. That doctrine will kill you, literally. So I knew I had to get the Word in her from the beginning of her diagnosis. What you see on is her revelation of how much God wants to heal her -- a revelation that is still increasing daily.
God, through the broken body of Jesus on the cross, has already done the work for our healing. He carried our sicknesses on His body so we don't have to carry them. But just like salvation, which Jesus completed the work for with His blood poured out on the cross, we have to receive it. I can't receive salvation for anyone else but me. But I can lead someone else to the altar.
We love you, and so does God. You didn't fail. God didn't fail. And you will see your loved one again, in heaven for eternity.