Jesse Duplantis
Here's some great spiritual advice: Don't give up!
Jesse Duplantis
"Your light shall break forth as the morning and my health shall spring forth speedily... You will restore health unto me, and You will heal me of my wounds saith the Lord." (Isa. 58:8 ~ Jer. 30:17)
BE ENCOURAGED! "You bore my sickness. You carried my pains... You were put to sickness for me... With Your stripes I am healed... You will heal me." (Isaiah 53:4, 10, 5, 57:19)
BE ENCOURAGED! God does not say one thing (in His Word) and do another (in life). If experience doesn’t match up the Word, God and His will aren’t the problem. (Psalm 89:34 & Numbers 23:19).
Jesse Duplantis "You will recover me and make me to live. You are ready to save me... You give power to the faint. You increase strength to them that have no might." (Isa. 38:16, 20 ~ Isa. 40:29)
BE ENCOURAGED! > The Lord Your Refuge Will Deliver You
"Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence." (Psalm 91:3) Today, we hear of new strains of viruses which were unheard of only a generation ago. The world has yet to find cures for them and many people are afraid of being struck down by these viruses. But as believers, we are not of the world, though we are in the world. (John 17:15–16) So our protection is not of the world, but of the Lord. And when we say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust,” (Psalm 91:2) then what follows is not “maybe”, but surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. A couple in our church can testify that surely the Lord delivered and protected their two young children during a Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) outbreak, which claimed a few lives in Singapore not long ago. When their four-year-old daughter started vomiting and running a fever, the mother brought her to their family doctor, who found ulcers in her mouth and small red dots on her hands and feet — symptoms of the HFMD. Naturally, the doctor prescribed medication for her. Back home, however, the little girl continued to vomit throughout the day, throwing up everything including the medication. Her fever persisted. Not able to do anything for their daughter, the parents prayed, proclaiming Jesus as their healer, and partook of the Holy Communion many times with both their children. That night, their daughter’s fever broke and the vomiting subsided. They continued making the Lord their refuge and fortress. Within two days, their daughter was completely delivered from the disease. And all this while, their six-year-old son was completely protected from the infectious disease. Beloved, you don’t need to be afraid of deadly diseases which may have claimed the lives of others. You don’t have to be fearful that you or your child may become victims of these super bugs. When the Lord is your refuge and fortress, surely He shall deliver you and your family from the snare of the fowler, such as the avian flu, and from all perilous pestilences! ••Thought For The Day•• Our protection is not of the world, but of the Lord, who delivers us from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. Joseph Prince "The eyes of the blind shall be opened. The eyes of them that see shall not be dim. The ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. The ears of them that hear shall hearken... The tongue of the dumb shall sing. The tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly." (Isa. 32:3; 35:5 ~ Isa. 35:6; 32:4)
BE ENCOURAGED! "(Your) pleasant words are sweet to my soul and health to my bones... Your joy is my strength... A merry heart does good like a medicine." (Pr. 16:24 ~ Neh. 8:10 ~ Pr. 17:22)
BE ENCOURAGED! > Get God’s Word For It
…He [Jesus] answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4) When the devil tempted Jesus, Jesus turned the Word of God on him, saying, “It is written… It is written… It is written…” (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10) Likewise, should the devil remind you of the pain in your body, say what God’s Word says: “It is written, ‘By His stripes I am healed!’” (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24) And tell Daddy God, “I have Your Word for it and I am standing on Your Word. I am not trying to be healed. My healing has already happened. I don’t care what this body says. It has to line up with Your Word because by Jesus’ stripes I am healed!” And if the devil says to you, “Look at the meager balance in your bank account. How are you going to pay your bills?” just say, “I am not trying to be rich. I am already rich and I have God’s Word for it. It is written, ‘My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 4:19) It doesn’t matter how much I have in the bank. God’s Word tells me that as the need arises, the supply will be there!” When fear grips you, don’t say to yourself, “This fear is stupid. Come on, what are the chances of it happening to me?” Don’t try to rationalize or reason your fear away. Instead, speak God’s Word into the situation. Say, “It is written, ‘For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’” (2 Timothy 1:7) What if the fear returns? Speak God’s Word again. Say, “It is written, ‘For God has not given me a spirit of fear…’” When the devil tries to deceive you, give him the Word of God. There is something about the Word of God that causes him not to want to hang around those who use it. It reminds him of Jesus, the Word made flesh (John 1:14), who rendered him powerless and of no effect when He said, “It is written…” ••Thought For The Day•• Turn the Word of God on the devil when he comes to tempt you. You will render him of no effect! Joseph Prince "Trusting You brings [continual] health to my body and [life, strength and] marrow to my bones... Your words are life to me, and health/medicine to all my flesh." (Pr. 3:8; 4:22)
![]() Shield of Faith Blog
AuthorBorn in South Carolina, Heather is happily married, and has three standard poodles and one shih tzu. Having travelled to over 14 countries, she has a great appreciation for living in the USA. She has a calling on her life to tell others about her healing and what Jesus has done for her. She is alive and well because of Him. Archives
July 2015