Let me tell you what I’m talking about. He says,
‘My Father’s the vinedresser. I’m the vine. You’re the branches.’
He said,
‘Whatever don’t bare fruit, He cuts. And if it does bare fruit, He prunes.’
In other words, there is a season where you have to stick with God when you don’t know what’s going on. And if you make it through all that cutting and make it through all that pruning, and make it through all that…Why? He says,
‘If you can abide in Me after I’ve cut you, after I’ve pruned you, after I cut you and didn’t tell
you why. If you’re still standing there when I get through cutting back all your flesh, and you’re
still standing there when I take people you love, things you love, if you’re still standing there,
THEN I’ll move you from servant hood to a friend and I’ll let you have ACCESS to
But everybody is going to have to go through a season where you’ve got to follow God blindly. And He’s cutting
on you and you’re standing there bleeding and you say,
‘I don’t know what’s going on, I don’t know why, but I praise you anyhow because I trust you
and when it’s all over, there’s going to be a fruitfulness come out of my life that I’ve never seen
before. Although you’re not talking to me now, I know you’ll talk to me later, IF I stick with You.’
Somebody who has been cut and you don’t know why you have been cut, shout ‘Hallelujah!’ See,
God’s going to find out if you’re following when you don’t know what’s going on.
I’ve told God,
‘God, this what you showed me, but you got me headed in this direction.’
I want to know if anybody is going to be real with me? I’m a real preacher. I’ve had God tell me He’s going to
take me there, but I’m going backwards the whole time and I’m looking at it getting further and further away
from it. And I’m like,
‘What is going on? You promised me the promise land but all I see is a desert all around me.’
> Can you follow God when you’re going backwards?
> Can you follow God when you’re in quicksand and you’re sinking?
> Can you follow God when He don’t give you answers?
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! So #1 we need to establish, although I’m a prosperity preacher I do not believe that everything that pleasures me comes from God and everything that pains me comes from Satan. I believe that God cuts.
But here’s the difference between the enemy’s pain and God’s pain:
> The enemy brings you pain for the sake of pain.
> God brings you pain for the sake of purpose.
God said,
‘I’m going to cut you, but I’m going to cut you on purpose.’
He said,
‘There’s more that needs to come out of the branch than there is presently coming out.’
He said,
‘If I don’t cut that back, you’ll grow content with the level of fruitfulness that you’re now experiencing.’
So God said,
‘I’ve got to take some fruit that may be good and you may love it…’
Oh, it’s hard when God cuts stuff that you love. See everybody wants God to prune the stuff that we hate.
‘Lord, I don’t like this addiction. Take it from me. Lord, I don’t like this drug habit. Take it from me.
Lord, I don’t want to invite anymore people like this in my life. Take it from me.’
Now, see that’s easy when God cuts the stuff YOU like. But what do you do when God takes away something that you do like? What is it when God takes away fruit that you’re baring good? What do you do when God takes away a job you’ve enjoyed…? What do you do when God takes away a person whose company you really like, but because there’s 5 He’s going to bring into your life and you don’t know it THEN but you just got to trust Him blindly? When God takes away what you’ve got, it’s because He’s got something else.
And I want to preach for 1 minute on something else. If you could just SEE the something else that God has for you. Those of you that God has taken something precious away. Oh, if you could just see the something else. It’s going to be a something else you’ve NEVER seen! And your next friend is going to be something else! And your next job is going to be something else! And your next season…
Oh, if you could just see it. It’s going to be something else! Whoa! Praise Him right now for something else on the way!
See some of you is spending all your energy trying to save something that God’s trying to purge. Why are you trying to save something that God is trying to cut? Spending all your energy, all your time. God is still going to cut it. You can bring the ambulance. You can bring the doctor. You can bring the counselor. You can bring anybody you want to but if God know there’s some more sap up in that branch that’s got to bring some more fruit, He’s going to CUT that thing. I don’t care how many people you got to put fertilizer on it. I don’t care how many people you get to redo the soil. I don’t care how much you try to save that plant, there is a Vinedresser coming, saying,
‘There‘s more in you and there’s more for you and I got more in you and I’ve invested too much
in you. I’m going to cut this thing back. Stay with Me. Abide in Me. I know it hurts, but…’
[To be continued…]
Ron Carpenter, Redemption World Outreach Church