this earth: to tell others of the Gospel of Jesus, about Salvation and about Healing.
We have been looking at the series on "Being Filled With God's Light," but starting on
Monday, we will return to the Faith series by Pastor Ron Carpenter of Redemption World
Outreach Church in Greenville, South Carolina.
Until then, have a Blessed weekend,
2 Timothy 2:26
“and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil,
having been taken captive by him to do his will”
This verse says, you can recover yourself out of the snare of the devil. Nobody even has to pray for you.
The truth makes you free. And the Light is back in your eyes. And now you’re saying, “Lord, I’m going to
do it. That thing you told me to do 20 years ago, that I ignored, I’m going to do it!”
Now, it you take that step, you’ll come right out of darkness, and the Light begins to get brighter, and He’ll
show you another step to take. At any point, we quit taking the steps and we start acting dumb, it WILL
get dark. You will get in bondage, but if you keep walking in the Light, it gets brighter and brighter.
Kenneth Copeland
And in the Light… Light never condemns you. He’s NOT giving you that Light so you can condemn
yourself. Condemnation never changes anything. You can beat yourself over the head because you didn’t
do whatever that was, and stayed right there in that mess, feeling sorry for yourself.
You need to acknowledge what you did, repent of it in Jesus’ Name and with His help, you’ll go on with
this. Instead of going on and on about how sorry you are. Get off that! Get honest before God and before
Keith Moore
You chose to believe a lie. Because when you get truth in Light, and you don’t want it, what else is there
to believe, except lies. But, if you reject the Light, the devil will be right there, to give you lies, to justify
yourself. But it’s all about honesty. Jesus talked about the different types of ground, that the seed (the
Word) was sown on, and the good ground, the Bible says, that which in a good, honest and good heart
brings forth 30, 60, 100 fold.
One of the chief characteristics of a heart, of a life that produces the Word, is HONEST. Honest. And
everyone of us has made mistakes in these areas.
Kenneth Copeland
We just have to stand on the Word of God and walk in it.
Keith Moore
People… they play games. They play games with their spouse, their family, their friends, acting like they
don’t know stuff, and soliciting their sympathy, but it is a trap of the devil. You just open yourself up to being
deceived and to being blinded.
If you see it, you see it. Admit it. Act like you do. Walk in the Light that you have. Acknowledge what you
see and know, and don’t play games. Humble yourself. The humble get grace. And with enough Grace, you
can come out of anything. You’ll say, “Well, how can I do it?” With enough Grace, you can receive
ANYTHING from God.
Kenneth Copeland
You can obtain Mercy and Grace in a time of need.
Keith Moore, Faith Life Church, Branson, MO; Kenneth Copeland, KCM.org