Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke - Official Page
Faith is like strength - you get more by using it. Stop walking and soon your legs would be crippled. Never use your arms and you would become paralyzed. Never do any believing and you’ll be a cynic crippled in spirit. Begin trusting God and you’ll find He’s there. God bless you.
REINHARD BONNKE Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke - Official Page
Proverbs shows us that boldness is a quality of righteousness: 'The righteous are as bold as a lion' (Proverbs 28:1). The solution to fear is not bravery, but faith in God. Jesus goes right to the heart of the matter in just a few words: 'don’t be afraid; just believe' (Luke 8:50). The word used for afraid in this passage is a Greek that we all recognize: 'phobia.' In other words, the command of Jesus is: 'Don't have phobia, have faith.' God bless you richly today.
REINHARD BONNKE Faith transfers the power of God to wherever it is needed (Luke 17,6). God bless you.
REINHARD BONNKE By faith we shall mount up with wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:31), and nothing is insurmountable.5/17/2013 The Bible speaks of the “proportion of faith”, its relationship of size (Romans 12:6). It is proportionate to the job at hand, tied to the need. Like running and needing more air, your intake increases automatically. A faith-task is something special. The word “size” loses its meaning. The bigness of a fence, a hill or a house is all the same to a bird flying over them. By faith we shall mount up with wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:31), and nothing is insurmountable. Trust Jesus TODAY. God bless you.
Reinhard Bonnke Many churchmen and medical doctors have opposed divine healing. They have made much of those who are "disappointed" and who are not immediately healed. They have conveniently forgotten that doctors disappoint millions. Nearly everyone in the graveyard has been to a doctor first, yet nobody would be so foolish to demand the closing of all hospitals! Some church folk object to divine healing simply because some are not healed, and so do not minister to the sick at all. This leaves everybody unhealed! Where is compassion, or obedience to the Scriptures? Jesus clearly said “they shall lay hands upon the sick and the sick will be healed.” (Mark 16) Let’s obey His word. Let’s trust Jesus. Reinhard Bonnke > ‘I AM. Fear not!’
God never changed, and never forgot His promise to be with His children. Through Isaiah He reminded Israel: ‘this is what the LORD says, HE who created you, fear not. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you’ (Isaiah 43:1-3). This brings us to the disciples on the Sea of Galilee centuries later. Jesus saw them laboring in their boat, passing through dangerous waters. Then He did what God said He would do – “When you pass through the waters I will be with you”. He came to them, though it involved an astounding act of power. He identified Himself with the God of Moses, Isaiah and Zechariah, saying ‘I AM. Fear not!’ And this brings us to you, wherever you are this moment and whatever your circumstances. The LORD says “I AM. Fear not.” God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE > 'Daughter, your faith has healed you...'
New Testament believers did not go around searching and probing ‘to get a miracle.’ They lived on miracle territory. They were in the kingdom of God, and they perceived the miracle-working hand of God in every situation. Believers understood everyday-Christianity to be miraculous, miracles through and through. That theme is common in the letters of the apostle Paul. Regrettably, what was normal then is not normal now. So much emphasis has been placed upon finding new methods for miracles that it sounds as if it were all a profound secret. We need to remove the mystery and get back to the simplicity that is in Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3). “He said to her, 'Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.'” (Mark 5:34, NIV) Can you hear the voice of Jesus? REINHARD BONNKE |
Shield of Faith Blog
AuthorBorn in South Carolina, Heather is happily married, and has three standard poodles and one shih tzu. Having travelled to over 14 countries, she has a great appreciation for living in the USA. She has a calling on her life to tell others about her healing and what Jesus has done for her. She is alive and well because of Him. Archives
July 2015