Ron Carpenter Jr
The people who trust the Lord will become strong again. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired. Isaiah 40:31
Ron Carpenter Jr
Weariness turns molehills into mountains. Take the needed time to hear God's voice and allow Him to bring healing and rest.
Ron Carpenter Jr God has something unique planned for each of us to do and the enemy doesn't like this.
Ron Carpenter Jr What you do today effects tomorrow! Check out yesterday's message: Scriptures: Matthew 12:9 & Ephesians 5:3-18
Ron Carpenter Jr Blessings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am excited today; can you hear the excitement already in my words to you?
My faith and my expectations are at an all time high. I am seeing God faithfully do things around me, in our ministry, and my personal life that are blessing and challenging at the same time. You might have noticed I have used the faith word twice already in this letter. Why is that, you may ask? I have been preaching on faith on Wednesday nights for a few weeks. It has strengthened my faith along with many others around me inside Redemption and online. How is your faith today? Be honest. Is your faith high or is it lower than you would like for it to be? God may even be challenging your faith right now. When your faith is being challenged it means God is trying to take you into something new. Your faith is only challenged when you need God to move in a way where you have never seen Him move before. Seeing something happen over and over doesn't require faith. While I have great faith for what I have already seen God do, the real challenge of faith is when there is no point of reference. This is when God is trying to pull something into your life that you have never seen Him do before. Faith is not just for wanting God to bring something into your life. Sometimes faith believes for God to move something around or remove something away from your life. You may be praying about a mountain when you should be speaking to it instead. The force of your faith is demonstrated by the words of your mouth and it can cause what is blocking your next breakthrough to move. You may be trying to shovel a mountain that God told you to speak to. Maybe you should be speaking to debt instead of praying about it. You keep going back to God asking Him to move this mountain and He keeps saying to you to use your faith and tell it to move. Maybe it's not debt in your life, maybe it's a pain in your side that you have been praying about. Perhaps after praying and asking God to remove it you should now start speaking to that pain and command it to be removed from you. Faith may even ask you to do crazy stuff. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 1:27 God takes the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. To the non-spirit filled believer, they may think that our praise looks foolish but, they have no idea of the activity of God that you are moving into your life. What looks foolish to them is actually Gods wisdom for your life. I'm sure when people heard Jesus speak to trees it looked foolish to them. Or, when God told Ezekiel to talk to the bones. Notice God did not say to Ezekiel, pray about the bones; He told him to speak to the bones and tell them to live. There was great wisdom from God when Jesus spoke to a dead Lazarus for him to come forth. I'm sure they thought it was foolish when Jesus spoke to dead things. But, you and I both know how the story ends and this is powerful revelation. Speaking of revelation, your life is an indicator of the amount of faith that you have. The image you see of God will be the only amount of God that you operate under. It's imperative that you get a bigger picture of God by praying and seeking Him so that your faith will be increased. Pastor Ron Carpenter Jr Ps.91:3 "for it is he who delivers you from the snare of the trapper". May God cancel every plan against you!
Ron Carpenter Jr Don't let what you see IN your life change your belief in what God sees FOR your life. His ways are higher! (Isaiah 55:9)
Ron Carpenter Jr Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. Hebrews 11:1
Ron Carpenter Jr Really just felt led to encourage those who've gotten a bad report... stand on what God's Word says. It will NOT return void!!
Ron Carpenter Jr NO matter what you face today, God's not thru with you yet! Dont you give up! "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)
Ron Carpenter Jr |
![]() Shield of Faith Blog
AuthorBorn in South Carolina, Heather is happily married, and has three standard poodles and one shih tzu. Having travelled to over 14 countries, she has a great appreciation for living in the USA. She has a calling on her life to tell others about her healing and what Jesus has done for her. She is alive and well because of Him. Archives
July 2015