Keep Them in the Midst of Your Heart
E. Keep Your Eyes, Ears and Heart on the Word
1. Continually attending to the Word with your eyes, your ears and your heart will
cause you to live in divine health.
2. It will be as hard for you to get sick as it was once difficult for you to be healed.
3. The power of the Word will continually make life and health in your body.
4. The forces of life and power coming out of your heart will be in direct proportion
to the amount of God’s Word that goes into your heart.
5. There is no limit to the amount of God’s medicine you can take.
a. You cannot get an overdose.
b. The more you take, the more powerful you will become.
F. God’s Prescription for Good Health
1. Pay attention to God’s Word.
2. Listen to God’s Word.
3. Keep your eyes on God’s Word.
4. Keep God’s Word in the center of your heart
Pastors George and Terri Pearsons, KCM, 10 DAYS OF HEALING