‘if it be Thy will’ is not planting the ‘seed’; it is destroying the seed. ‘The prayer of faith’
that heals the sick is to follow (not precede) the planting of the ‘seed’ (the Word). Faith is based on
this alone. The Gospel does not leave a man in uncertainty praying with ‘if it be Thy will’. It tells him
what God’s will is. The Holy Spirit’s words,
‘Himself…bare our sicknesses’ (Matthew 8:17) are just as truly a part of the Gospel
as His words,
‘Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree’ (1 Peter 2:24).
Neither the spiritual nor the physical phase of the Gospel is to be applied by prayer alone. Seed is
powerless until it is planted. Many, instead of saying,
‘Pray for me,’ should first say,
‘Teach me God’s Word, so that I can intelligently cooperate for my recovery.’
We must know what the benefits of Calvary are before we can appropriate them by faith.
David specifies,
‘Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases.’
After being sufficiently enlightened, our attitude toward sickness should be the same as our
attitude toward sin. Our purpose to have our body healed should be as definite as our purpose
to have our soul healed. We should not ignore any part of the Gospel. Our Substitute bore both
our sins and our sicknesses that we might be delivered from them. Christ’s bearing of our sins and
sicknesses is surely a valid reason for trusting Him now for deliverance from both.
When, in prayer, we definitely commit to God the forgiveness of our sins, we are to believe, on the
authority of His Word, that our prayer is heard.
> We are to do the same when praying for healing.
This book was first published in 1924 and more than 500,000 copies are in print. Christ The Healer
has been the living pioneer classic and textbook on the subject of God’s compassion and longing
to heal all who are sick.