The Bible is God’s burning bush. It is there that we encounter Him and there that He speaks. How we react is proof of who we are.
As a book, the Bible is in a class of its own, distinct from every other book ever written. It brings God into focus and brims over with His greatness. It is drama, the drama of time, a window through which we see God striding through the centuries with awesome power and majesty.
***We must be clear about one thing: that the purpose of Scripture is to show us God and inspire our trust in Him.
The Bible is a manual of faith in God that has been given to us “so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:17). It is God’s voice in the burning bush calling out to me and you as he called out to Moses – urging us to surrender our questions and doubts, abandon our misgivings and go forward with Him. The path will open up as we walk, just as the sea opened up before Moses.