You’re not broke. You’re prosperous! The economy is trying to take what you already are away from you! So, if I’m ever around you and I sneeze, I’ll say, “I’m healed. Somebody trying to steal what I got.” I’m not going to let it happen. I’m already healed. You’re too busy, “Well, what are they going to think about?” I don’t know.
I’m healed. I’m healed. (Sneeze) I’m healed. (Blowing your nose.) What’s that? That ain’t nothing. That’s something trying to take what’s mine.
I boldly proclaim that through the stripes that Jesus bore, healing is available to everyone here today. You see what I mean? Some of y’all praising/raising hands. Some of y’all are looking around doubtful. So, if you believe that, be healed! You see what’s going on? We have a believing problem. The ‘believers’ are not believing. So, I need to deliver a message to you from the Dollar Household. If every preacher in the United States of America decides that they do not believe the Bible anymore, I’m NOT leaving the Word of God. I don’t care if the most famous preachers in the world decide that that is not the Word of God. I apologize in advance. I’m not leaving the Word of God because:
- If it wasn’t for the Word of God, I would have lost my life a long time ago.
- If it wasn’t for the Word of God, I would have died of sickness and disease.
- If it wasn’t for the Word of God, I would still be stuck in poverty.
I’m not leaving this Word – it saved me, it sanctified me, it delivered me, it brought me from a mighty long way!!! I’m NOT leaving this Word! You do what you’ve got to do! If everybody in here decide they don’t believe the Bible no more, I would still be here preaching to the carpet because I believe the WORD of the Living God!
And by His stripes, I’m healed! I’m healed!
They can make it a law that whoever believes the Bible has to die – then so long! Because I am not going to come away from the only thing that has made sense out of senseless, stupid situations! I’m sticking with this Book! That’s all I’ve got!
I’m healed.
- I don’t care what it looks like. I’m healed.
- I don’t care what the doctors say. I’m healed.
- Don’t tell me what’s on the MRI. I’m healed in the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah!
I’m delivered. I’m set free. I’m healed. I receive it! I will not let His precious Blood go to waste when He paid the price for me to be healed over 2,000 years ago! And with His stripes, we ARE healed!
Thank God Jesus was beaten. It wasn’t pleasurable for Him. It was terrible pain. But He was shedding His Blood through those stripes. I am not going to be able to get rid of that picture… He shed the Blood through those stripes. He was paying the price needed for healing to become legally available. Do you hear me? For it to become legally available to all of us.
Now, I can reach out in faith, and I can claim complete healing from sickness and pain and disease and oppression.
...continued until tomorrow's post...
Creflo Dollar