Now, I don’t have to beg God to heal me. He’s my Father. I said, He’s my Father. I simply trust Him and I believe what Jesus did to secure it for me. I am His child and not a beggar. A beggar begs and is uncertain of whether or not he will receive or he can welcome all that he asks for. But a child will ask and have confidence that in the presence of his father they everything he asked for (because he’s celebrated; not tolerated) is going to show up in his life. Quit begging God and then walking away wondering if you’re going to get it. That’s not how you do it.
My kids don’t come to me and start begging me. When stuff happens, they come to El-Shad-Dad. And they have confidence that El-Shad-Dad is going to come through because they don’t have to beg El-Shad-Dad because that’s MY CHILD and you do what you do for your child because of your relationship with them. But beggars are not very sure that they can stand in confidence and get it.
You’ve got to see yourself as God’s child! Not begging Him to heal you.
- “But You are my Daddy. You love me! You care for me! And You have healed me!”
Jesus bore all those pains for you. Not just for the fun of it. But that you may enjoy complete healing, from the head down to the toe. So don’t let the enemy deceive you. That’s what he’s trying to do.
★ God allowed His Son (think of this) to go through such agony (watch this), …for you. And He did it so that we could have sufficient evidence that your healing is His will.
Now, look at this. He caused Jesus (because of His love for us) to pay for it in advance – so you can simply RECEIVE it today. And if you begin to notice the Gospel, Jesus spent a whole bunch of time ministering to the sick. Didn’t He? He took time to cast out devils and raise the dead. Didn’t He?
So, if healing were not the will of God, Jesus would never have done it. Listen, if healing was not the will of God, and Jesus spent a lot of His time ministering healing to the people, then Jesus would have been out of the will of God doing that!
You see some of these clowns:
- “Well, healing is not the will of God for today.”
- “Oh, Brother Dollar went to the other end now. First prosperity. And now it’s healing.”
It’s still the same. Because when you prosper, you prosper in your body, you prosper in your family, you prosper in you finances, you prosper in EVERYTHING!
...continued until tomorrow's post...
Creflo Dollar