There’s a domino effect to getting your heart right. While you let issues remain, life continues with the
issues that remain in your heart issues.
When you clean out your heart, you’re cleaning up your life by default.
Some people want to start cleaning up their life by getting their hands on their life. Your life gets cleaned
up because you turn inwardly and begin to examine your heart. And when you begin to pull the issues out
of your heart (that had been planted there over the years of your life):
> then your marriage straightens up
> then you begin becoming a good parent
> then people start liking you again,
> then you can start handling money
> then life comes into order
> then you get order back in your house.
When does that happen?
When you get your heart straight.
Ron Carpenter, Redemption World Outreach Center
Next week we will finish up Part 1 of the Levels of Faith by Ron Carpenter. Then, we
may return to Gloria Copeland's book, Live Long, Live Strong or continue on to Part 2
of Ron Carpenter's Levels of Faith. Check back next week to find out.
Have a Blessed Sunday,
Healed of Cancer