Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it comes my life.
This is very important. My LIFE takes on the condition of my HEART. I don’t care what you’re doing
or what your career is, your life takes on the condition of your heart. Okay?
How is that?
Because your tongue takes on the condition of your heart.
And you SPEAK the things out of your mouth and eventually have what you say.
The Bible says, ‘Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.’ The reason nobody can tame the
tongue is because nobody can get their heart right.
You don’t tame your tongue by starting with your tongue. You tame your tongue by starting with
your HEART. Tongue problems are linked to heart problems. If you can’t control your tongue, you
can’t control heart. And the only reason your life is messed up is because your tongue is messed up.
And the only reason your tongue is messed up is because your heart is all jacked up.
That’s why the first thing David had to pray (after his whole life came unraveled and he was about to lose
the kingdom),
He prayed, ‘Create in me a clean heart.’
He said, ‘My problem is my HEART.’
He said, ‘If I can get this thing cleaned up, everything else will get itself cleaned up.'
Ron Carpenter, Redemption World Outreach Center