Jesus and somebody that doesn’t. Somebody that knows the Word of God and somebody that doesn’t.
There’s supposed to be a difference and Jesus said it,
‘They’ll hate you.’
This world will hate you if look like Him. And I think the temptations in our churches and our ministries
and even the way we relate to people is,
‘Well, I just need to be relevant. We need to change this and change that so we’re relevant.’
And I’m all about being relevant as long as you understand that what’s relevant to a dying man is salvation.
What’s relevant to a sick individual is the HEALING POWER of God. And I’m all about coming across in a
way that’s fresh and real and people can get a hold of, but Jesus said it. He said,
‘The world will hate you.’
And my thought is they’re supposed to hate you right up until the point where they want to be just like you.
Right up until the moment they say,
‘You’ve got what I need. How? Why? Show it to me!’
So, we’re talking about this difference that’s supposed to exist in us. Looking at I Thessalonians 5, he says,
‘We are not of the night. We are of the day.’ The difference between us and the world is it’s supposed to be
night and day:
> Different in the way we speak.
> Different in the way we conduct our lives.
> Different in the way we conduct our business.
There’s supposed to be a difference. The moment you begin to live that way, it begins to reflect in your life
and people see it and they may hate you at first for it, but there’s coming a day where they will want to be
just like you. He said there’s supposed to be a night and day difference.
If the world is a sleep, you and I should be wide-awake.
‘God, I am wide-awake. I don’t want to miss a thing. I don’t want to miss anything you’re doing in this world.
I don’t want to miss what your Kingdom is at work doing. I don’t want to miss what you want to do in my
church. I don’t want to miss what you’re trying to do in my life, and in my family. Don’t let it pass me by.
I’m here. I’m awake. I’m alert. I’m attentive. Speak to me. Use me. I make myself available to you.’
It’s really a matter of being yielded to the Holy Spirit in your life and the moment you are, He can USE you
and get so much done THROUGH YOU.
Jeremy Pearsons, KCM