In late 2011, the doctor wanted me to be a part of a clinical trial using an experimental chemo drug. While waiting, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me not to do this trial. I listened to His word for me and declined the trial. But I did something STUPID! I decided not to do anymore chemo. I believed if I just believed it enough, it was fine. No! You have to have a word from God.
Well, I felt good for a while, but the cancer was still there. I ignored the doctors advice. The pain grew. A few months later (early 2012), I was in the ER with severe pain and screaming. The cancer had gone into my spine and neck. I started chemo. The cancer continued growing. My spine became bent over; my neck was pushed forward. After a couple of months, tests showed the chemo was not working. The doctor pulled Joshua (my husband) aside and told him that hospice would need to be called in in just a few months. He put me on a new type of chemo.
I was in a wheelchair. In pain. In bad shape. I came home and knew if something didn't change quickly, I was going to die. Joshua told me to start speaking the Word over my body and listening to sermons on strength and healing over and over. Also, my friend Lisa gave me sermons on healing. Every time I listened to a sermon, my intense headache would go away.
I kept confessing the Word aloud even if I didn't believe it. I was so weak and in pain. But my spirit heard me saying these words and I started getting a little stronger each day. Then, my mind started believing these words. When my hair was falling out from the chemo, Joshua said to speak to it. I would say, "My hair is growing very quickly, and is long, full and beautiful!" I would say this everyday (and still do) and we started seeing my hair grow back! I would say things over my body: "My heart is strong and perfect. My legs are strong. My bones are full of life. My back and neck are straight and not bowed over."
I listened and watched men of God teach on God's truth about healing, restoration, how to REST in The Lord and what He has done for me. Jesus carried my sicknesses, diseases, growths, tumors, cancers when He took those stripes so I would NOT have to carry them. I had to unlearn years of wrong thinking.
I was in a wheelchair for about 8 months in 2012. I had to use a walker at home all the time. Joshua had to prepare all my foods. He had to bathe me and dress me. I had 2 blood tranfusions. It was a terrible time. But each day I grew stronger and stronger.
I also had to learn that it's not about what I do; but about what Jesus has done. I would think I had to read so many scriptures a day, watch/listen to so many sermons a day in order to get better each day. But Jesus just wants us to know what He has already done for us. We are to labour to be in REST. When we rest knowing the truth and this knowledge, then God can heal us.
I turned in the wheelchair back in September 2012. I stopped using the walker near the end of February 2013. I stopped using the cane on March 1, 2013. My hair is growing back when they said it wouldn't while on chemo. My back is strong and I'm able to stand up and walk unassisted. My back is getting straighter and my neck is going back to normal position - when the spine doctor said it never would.
I am expecting each day from God more and more. Last week I walked out into our backyard and played ball with our dogs. I'm planning to walk on the beach with our standard poodles in a couple of weeks. I have planned a trip back to Hawaii in the fall.
It's not about what I do. It is all about what Jesus has done. I have rest in His Word. I have to feed my spirit. I can't worry or have fear. I'm still on chemo. I take it every other week. It doesn't make me sick; just a little tired for a few days. How long will I keep taking it you ask? I don't know. But you can be sure that I'm not going to be stupid again. I'm listening and when I hear God say "No more chemo" then I will stop.
God heals now. Remember that.
~ Heather