Hello everyone,
Well, I had hoped to post a blog today on our continuing series on Living Boldly; however, after many hours of travelling I will need to post this tomorrow. My husband (Joshua) and I just returned from a relaxing trip to the Big Island of Hawaii. We saw many beautiful places, wildlife, flowers and more, and each time I saw this I was reminded of how much God loves us.
God loves us so much that He created us, this beautiful world, but most importantly... He sent His only begotten Son who bore all those horrible stripes for ALL our diseases/sicknesses for us to be healed NOW in this world and He died on the Cross for our salvation. When you ask Jesus to forgive you and come into your heart, you have FAITH you are saved. Same thing with healing... it takes Faith as well.
Tomorrow, we will continue with our series, Living Boldly.
Have a Blessed day,
Healed of Cancer