down or take notes; people don’t remember it when they leave; and people don’t use it whey they get
home. Therefore, faith was never conceived and that message was a good idea on that day.
A lot of folks think only preachers are supposed to know the Bible. But everybody in this room is without
excuse. You know why? Regardless of who you are, where you come from, your gender, how much
money you have or don’t have, everybody in here has 66 bags of seed [66 books in the Holy Bible]. And
if you know how to work this seed, you can get this harvest.
It does not matter on your natural abilities or your natural background. It just matters, do you know how to
take this Book [Holy Bible], do you know how to get It in your mouth, move It down into your heart and
then see It explode on the seen in your life. And these are the people that will see God’s miracles.
It’s not the intellectual elite, it’s not the people with a bunch of degrees hanging on the wall, it’s not the
people that were handed everything by their mom and dad, it is the people that know how to take the
Word, work the Word and make the Word work for them.
Get it in your heart – that’s all you got to do. So, your heart is like a big field.
Proverbs 4:23 (New King James Version)
“Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.”
Keep or Guard your heart. I preached a series two or three years ago on the issues of life. I don’t think I
sold one CD. You know why? Because people found out where their issues were created and they
couldn’t beat up the devil any more.
✘ The Bible doesn’t say, ‘Fight the devil with all your heart, for out of him come the issues of your life.’
There are very few churches in America where the pastor says, ‘YOU create your issues.’ It is what it is.
I didn’t say you had to like it. Because sometimes it tastes like vinegar going in your mouth. ‘Well, how
dare you! I want to beat up the devil,’ some may say.
“Guard YOUR heart!” People who are careless with their field, get all kind of crap planted in it. When
you throw you life around, when decisions are made recklessly, when you have no boundaries in your life,
when you live for the moment, you are taking your heart and pulling all of the walls down from around it,
and letting the world come in and plant in your field a harvest YOU will REAP!
Because YOUR heart is YOUR field! I can’t reap from your heart, and you can’t reap from mine.
I can only reap what I have allowed to get in my field.
That’s why when David sinned with Bathsheba and then killed her husband, he went to pray:
✘ He didn’t say, ‘Beat up the devil.’
He said, ‘Create in me a clean heart.’ He said,’ I did this.’
See, that totally just cuts people off at the knees who always wants to blame life on everybody else. And
until you look at that Scripture (Proverbs 4:23) right in the face and come to terms with it, you have NO
ability to turn your situation around.
As long as what everybody else did is your problem; you are responsible for you field.
Ron Carpenter, Redemption World Outreach Center