the universe with Words. God ordered the universe with Words. He expected you to do no different. He
expected you to create your life with your words. To govern your life with your words. To build your
boundaries with your words. To speak your existence with your words.
Is this too much for y’all?
That’s what God wanted you to do. That’s why He put the power of life and death in your tongue. When this
Word comes out of your mouth, you have taken what God said and given life to it from your perspective.
So, you’ve taken something from the pages of a book and your tongue makes something that was a spark
turn into a flame.
Why? Because you’ve got to hear something from God to say it and you’ve got to say something from
God to see it. Let me say that again.
You’ve got to hear something from God to say it and you’ve got to say something God said to see it.
✘ I don’t mean, say what you feel.
✘ I don’t mean, say what you think.
You’ve go to SAY what GOD said. The word “confess” means ‘say the same as.’ So, when you confess
something out of the Bible, you are saying the same thing about it that God said about it.
That means, you and God are coming in to agreement over something that He said. And if any two agrees,
touching anything on earth, it ain’t enough on earth for GOD to agree with it; something on EARTH has
got to agree with it, and when you AND God agree on earth, it shall be done for you by your Father which
is in Heaven.
Now, I’ve also taught you, the problem with a message like this in a church service, is I’ve sown the
Word. I’m throwing it out right now. In 19 minutes of preaching you’ve probably received 22 scriptures
from me.
Okay? When I throw that seed out there, all it’s got to do is hit your heart. But it has not had time to hit
your heart in 19 minutes. It’s hit your HEAD. The problem is, for me to drop the Word in your head, is
not putting the seed in the place where it can reproduce. You’re getting your mind renewed.
But Faith is NOT conceived in the mind. With the HEART man believed, and with the mouth he
confesses unto salvation.
Do you hear what I’m saying? The Word renews and changes my thinking. But Faith has not been
conceived, just because I’ve heard a Bible idea. So, that’s where confession comes in.
You need to walk out of here tonight and say, “I thank you God that my life bears the fruit of the Word…
30 fold, 60 fold, and 100 fold.” And when you get in your car, say, “I thank you Lord that my life bears fruit.”
What are you doing? When you begin to confess, you’re moving what you have heard, that is in your head,
down into the soil (heart).
All you’ve got to do to get what God said to happen – is let the seed hit your heart.
Ron Carpenter, Redemption World Outreach Center