confession is made unto salvation.
See what I’m talking about? That’s the way you got saved.
You know how people get saved?
> They BELIEVE in their HEART and they CONFESS with their MOUTH.
Do you know how you get everything else after you get saved by God?
> You believe in your heart…
How long has salvation been available to you?
> Since Jesus… 2000 years. It’s been there the whole time, hasn’t it? Your whole life it was there.
When did it become yours?
> When you believed that He was the Son of God, God raised Him from the dead, and your MOUTH
confessed that Jesus Christ is Lord. THEN, what ALREADY existed, existed in YOU! He has
blessed us with every Spiritual blessing in Heavenly places. There’s nothing else for God to do.
Jesus said, ‘It’s finished.’ You don’t pray and He gets up and heals you. Healing is done!
Okay? So, like salvation, it existed the whole time, but you possessed it the MOMENT you BELIEVED
in your HEART and CONFESSED with your MOUTH.
Guess what? Everything else God has done for you on top of salvation is already there and it
becomes yours when you believe it in your heart and confess it with your mouth.
See, I have to preach and preach and preach and preach and preach and try to get people to BELIEVE
God wants them to prosper. But did you know that I have a small percentage of people that are actually
prospering versus those who hear me say it? Why?
Because all of you hear me say it, but all of you don’t believe.
So who walks out of here and starts prospering? Those that say, ‘You know what? I heard him and now
I’m going to believe that God wants me to be in health and for me to prosper even as my soul prospereth.’
See, you’ve got to say it and embed it in your heart.
This stuff does not happen to the people that hear it. It happens to the people that believe it !
All of you will walk out of [this sermon], having heard it. No prosperity message ever helped me until one
day I said, ‘You know what? I am sick of being poor.’ So you know what? I walked and believed that was
for me too. What happened? Started turning and then as I increased my revelation, then the balloon went
higher and higher and higher.
Oh, how I want everyone to believe!
Ron Carpenter, Redemption World Outreach Center