Along came Brother Kenneth Hagin’s ministry…the Lord would have him go into an area of church right
after one of those big healing campaigns [with Oral Roberts] and begin to teach people that had gotten
saved in there. And a lot of them thought they were in deep trouble because their healings began to
vanish. Well, there were preachers that preached everywhere,
‘See, God’s taken His hand off of Oral Roberts…’
Are you kidding? Oral [Roberts] didn’t heal them. But the problem was they went right BACK to the
way they were thinking and acting that brought the sickness in the FIRST place! And now Brother Hagin
[would] get in there and spend 2 or 3 weeks and GET in the WORD and how FAITH functioned.
And then as they began to grow up in the Word and their thinking began to be renewed, they’d latch back on to that healing and kept it.
I came up…and that’s what the Lord starting dealing with me about. He said,
‘I have sleeping giant in the land.’
And He’s talking about that whole mass of people. And He said,
‘I’m going to wake them up.’
I said,
He said,
‘You’re the needle.’
During those years, particularly during the 15 years of this ministry, David, I said and did things that I just wouldn’t ordinarily do or say. But it would either make somebody so mad they couldn’t sleep and go get the Word to prove me wrong and there it was ALL the time and very simple all the time. And I had pastors and preachers and people that would say,
‘Brother Copeland I have to apologize to you. I did not know it was in there [the Bible].’
Come to find out, everybody was just parroting what everybody else said,
‘It was what OUR group said and what OUR theology said.’
NO personal study at all.
David Barton:
Exactly. Great example: Paul loved the Bereans. Here’s a guy that travelled the known world – from Spain to Great Britain over into Asia – all these places he went on his missionary journeys preaching everywhere he goes. And the one he liked best was the Bereans in Acts 17:11. And the reason he liked them he says,
‘I talk to them; they don’t believe me. They have to go check it in the Scriptures everyday to see if I’m telling them the truth. They are noble than anybody else.’
That was not an insult. And Paul said,
‘That’s the most noble group.’
Of all of his travels, the most noble group was the one that said,
‘I’m glad you said that. Let me check it out [in the Word].’
And if we get in there and check God’s Word – I don’t care how many credentials they got after their name, I don’t care how many times they’ve done something right – check it out. Get in God’s Word. And we have to train ourselves to get in here [the Word] and stay in here and think Biblically. Because that’s what’s going to turn the world around and that’s what the earth is groaning for: For us getting in the Word and living the Word and not just living a “Christian” lifestyle…because “Christian” lifestyle doesn’t mean much anymore. We need a Biblical lifestyle.
Kenneth Copeland:
Let’s lay down then this first Biblical principle that we’re going to be walking in all this week.
(1) God’s Word must be FINAL authority. It says what It says.
‘But I don’t understand that Brother Copeland.’
Then don’t do anything UNTIL you do. You put this Book final authority,
‘It [Word of God] is first place in my life. This is what I do. This is what I say.
This is what I think. And with God’s help I will be transformed.’
That’s the first step in living in the Kingdom of God separate from the kingdom of darkness.
Kenneth Copeland, KCM; David Barton, WallBuilders