We’ve got a lot of people over whom Jesus is Lord, but His Word has no affect one way or the
other in their life. Consequently, He has NO entrance into anything they do because the pattern of
that kind of life is to make your plans and ask God to bless them. At the same time, the devil has
accessed their inner most thoughts because they believe what they hear and see and feel instead
of what God says.
David Barton
It does take deliberate effort for him [the devil] to not steal the Word. It takes faith in God and you
really got to be on guard. If you don’t know what the traps of the devil looks like, he’s got an advantage
on you. He’s going to try to steal the Word through a neighbor, try to steal the Word through the media…
Kenneth Copeland
Anything he can get you to FEEL or SEE – if he can keep you out here in this carnal feeling world,
he’s got you because he’s god over that world.
David Barton
One of the biggest ways he gets us is if we DON’T KNOW the Word. Jesus said,
‘If you don’t know the Word, you don’t know My power.’
Kenneth Copeland
If you don’t know it, you don’t have any faith in it.
David Barton
That’s right. You can’t apply it, then you don’t get the results. You get none of His benefits.
Kenneth Copeland
Gloria and I were in a meeting with Brother Kenneth Hagin back in 1967; I was a student at Oral Roberts
University. I was so hungry for faith. I wanted to know how it worked. I was travelling with Brother Roberts
and he used his faith on PURPOSE like you go choose a wrench and use it. I thought,
“Wow, I never seen anything like this!”
And at the same time Brother Hagin teaching HOW you do this. Well, faith comes by hearing and
hearing by the Word of God. We stood up in a meeting one night and he said,
‘Anyone present that you’re ready to make a commitment tonight, that whatever you see in
God’s Word that THIS Word is the AUTHORITY of your life. That whatever you
see in this Word, and you see what it’s telling you to do, that you’ll ACT on it and put it
first place in your life.’
Well, Gloria and I both jumped up! We committed to it. When I made that commitment to do that, now He is already committed to me to teach me HOW to live there.
David Barton
And it’s that decision that you make that says,
‘If it’s in here [the Bible], I’m going to do.’
Now, you may not have read this from cover to cover yet but you’ve got to take the attitude that if it’s
in here, I’m going to do it.
And we talked [earlier] about Acts 17:11 that Paul with all of his journeys, the Bereans were the most
noble because they searched the Scriptures. But do you know what else it says? Paul said they were
the most noble because they received the Word with eagerness and they searched the Scriptures
to see if it was true. But it starts with RECEIVING.
Kenneth Copeland
Jesus talks about those guys in Mark 4 – they received the Word gladness but the Scripture says they
had NO root in them. This [Word of God] is where the root is.
David Barton
And I guarantee you, if you make that commitment that I’m going to do what’s in here…PERIOD…
because it’s God’s Word. There’s going to be a lot of stuff you’ll never understand. You read in here [and say],
‘That doesn’t make sense.’ You can’t say I’m not going to do it just because it doesn’t make sense.
Kenneth Copeland
If it already made sense to you…
it ain’t supposed to make sense – IT MAKES FAITH.
Kenneth Copeland, KCM; David Barton, WallBuilders