After a service one time, I had a lady come down because she was annoyed with something I had said. She said, “Well, now, I just don’t agree with that because you know it’s just like the song says.”
I said, “The what?”
She said, “Well, it’s like the song said.”
I said, “The song?”
She said, “Yes, you know, the song,” and she was quoting words out of a song like it was the Bible. She was not receiving the scripture we just read to her, but she was holding onto the song.
This has always been a problem. It was a problem in Jesus’ time. What did He tell them? He said, “You have made the Word of none effect by your traditions.” You have traded the Word for traditions.
Don’t think you’re exempt from this. Don’t think we’re talking about somebody else, somewhere else. If you’ve been in this world longer than a few weeks, you’ve picked up some traditions. What you need to do—what everybody needs to do, all the time—is examine what you believe. Ask, “Where is it in the Book? Where is it?” and don’t just read one-third of a verse. If it’s really the truth, there will be multiple verses that agree on it. “In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every Word be established.” (2 Corinthians 13:1)
Keith Moore
God's Will To Heal, page 92-93