Some say, ‘How can you possibly expect that to come to pass?’ Because of what He said right here in
His Word and I EXPECT it to come to pass just like that and I’ve got my Faith in that and I’m talking that.
That’s Bible Hope. And that’s what hope does.
Keith Moore
I gives you joy. Excitement.
Kenneth Copeland
Gets full of Faith and Faith gets full of Hope. And instead of dreading something, man you’re on the go!
You look forward to it, because it has to improve! If you set yourself to accomplish what you’re supposed
to do, what you’re committed to do, your word has been spoken, and you’re going to do this thing, and you
just go ahead and face it and set yourself that you’re going to do it, praise God, and quit dragging around…
things start happening. Things start changing.
Keith Moore
A revelation came to me years ago, I know it sounds strange to some folks, but it’s just simply this,
‘The Lord is smarter than me.’ And what I mean by that is He made me. He MADE me.
He knows my insides. He knows my graces. He knows what I can and can’t do best or easiest.
And if He says, ‘Today is yard day for you Keith,’ then if I trust Him, ‘I believe the yard is the best place I
could be today.’ And there’s grace only for the yard today. But, if I go fishing, when I’m supposed to be
in the yard, it could be a terrible day even though I’m fishing, because I’m not in the Will of God, not in
the grace of God.
And so, just having simple Faith in Him – if He says, ‘Go here. Do this. Do that...’ then, if you
know that He’s in it, if He’s leading in it, if the Light is there, you can have the best day you’ve had!
Keith Moore, Faith Life Church, Branson, MO; Kenneth Copeland,