"Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him,
'One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast,
and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven:
and come, take up the cross, and follow me.'"
Keith Moore
And it was in this young man’s case: he’s thinking, ‘This is it! I’ve found Him. I’ve found the Light. I’ve
found what I’m looking for. Tell me the rest. Tell me the next step. I’m ready. Let’s go.’
And Jesus said, ‘Wonderful. Sell everything you’ve got.’
Kenneth Copeland
Jesus looked at him and loved him.
Keith Moore
Loved him. He said, ‘Great! Good! You’re ready to go! Liquidate! Come follow Me! Come join Me. You’ll
have treasure in Heaven. I want you to have a place with Me.’
And… he lost his joy. He stood there and looked at Him and listened. Sadness came in. And this is
the perfect example of losing the Light.
When you let the enemy steal the Light from you, then you lose your joy. That should be the indicator
to you – that you have let the devil steal something from you.
The Bible said when He told him that, ‘he was sad at that saying.’
Mark 10:22 (King James Version)
“And he was sad at that saying,
and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.”
Well now why would he be sad? What Jesus told him is Light. It is the enlightenment to take the next step
into the rest of the plan of God for this young man’s life. And it is a path that goes into Glory in Eternity.
You know, what if this young man had done what He told him to do? What kind of seed would he have had
in the ground? And what kind of place would he have had in the beginning days of the church? And in the
Kingdom of God? And how he would have been in Heaven for all these years with all these rewards. What
if he had done it?
Kenneth Copeland
Perfect replacement for Judas. I mean, he was a rich man and he was a man aware of the
commandments. He was a perfect replacement.
Keith Moore
But, he didn’t see it that way. And he got sad and he went away grieved.
This grief and this sadness is evidence that you have turned loose of Light and now
you’re in darkness. And there’s death in that darkness. There’s death in that grief. There’s death in
that sorrow of the world.
Keith Moore, Faith Life Church, Branson, MO; Kenneth Copeland, KCM.org