They didn’t have Light on this message, BUT they had seen enough and heard enough and gotten
enough Light, that they SHOULD have trusted.
Kenneth Copeland
They had just seen Him feed thousands of people. That had just occurred! Same chapter.
It wasn’t like, ‘Who is He?’ And they chose to walk off.
Keith Moore
This thing about, 'I don’t understand.’ They walked off and didn’t come back. It goes on to say:
John 6:65-66
65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me,
except it were given unto him of my Father.
66 From that time manyof his disciples went back,
and walked no more with him.
And that perfectly describes it. They went backwards and walked with Him no more and He is
THE LIGHT! And if you’ll walk with Him, you’ll walk in Light and not in darkness. But if you turn away
from Him and go back, you’re leaving the Light going into darkness.
Kenneth Copeland
And this has happened to a lot of people – they get talked out of it. Where are you going to go if you
walk away from the Word of God?
We haven’t preached ideas. We’ve stayed right strong hard on the Words of Jesus and the Words of Life
from the Bible, from Scripture, to have more than one scripture on everything – track it very carefully, and
then turn your back on it and go back to religious traditions.
When you’re turned around, you walked into a dark cave and death. A dangerous thing.
Keith Moore
It is. One of the most serious things about it is you are saying, by allowing yourself to be offended and
unhooking, they were saying, ‘I don’t believe in You. We don’t believe in your character, in your integrity.
You’re off. You’re mixed up. You’re wrong.’
This just wasn’t a doctrinal thing – it was a losing of their Faith in the Person of Jesus. And that’s why
He didn’t chase them or try to explain it to them. Because like you [Kenneth] said, they’ve seen these
miracles: the feeing of the multitudes, they’ve seen the sick healed, they’ve seen all this stuff, and
they’ve heard amazing Light through the Master.
And now ONE thing that they don’t understand and they’re just washing their hands of Him and
walking way. Well now, what they have done is judged themselves unworthy of an
association with Him.
Keith Moore, Faith Life Church, Branson, MO; Kenneth Copeland,