over what you’re carrying. It’s never over where you are.
Now, I have a destiny. God purposed it according to the pleasure of His will. Another life
lesson I’ve learned. If God has a destiny for me and His purpose will always prevail, then
the battle is NOT mine. The battle is the Lord’s. I’m going to say something real strong,
real strong… this is good:
If God has purposed a thing for me, the WORST thing YOU could do is to oppose.
If God has purposed something for you, it would be an awful thing for me to oppose it.
to happen, and I say I’m going to stand in the way of that happening, I’m not picking a fight with you…
I have just picked a fight with your God. Oh, that will cause people to live a little bit differently
right there. That’s why I leave people alone.
“Well, that preacher said God told him to build a $51 million dollar building. I tell you right now,
I ain’t never going to see him build it, I ain’t never going to ever help him, I just wish…you see
people like that fall flat on their…”
You say what you want to. I just say,
“The Lord bless him in his efforts.”
Why, because if God called him to do it and your words are standing in the way… See we’ve got to
get serious about this stuff - whatever God has destined for you. When God told Israel,
“I have given you a land.”
Now when He told them that they were slaves. They were slaves! He said,
“I’ve given you a land flowing with milk and honey.”
Okay, then:
X Pharoah is NOT their responsibility.
X Parting the sea is NOT their responsibility.
X Being fed in the desert is NOT their responsibility.
X Being kept warm by fire at night and cool by a cloud in the day is NOT their responsibility.
WHY? Because GOD said,
Pharaoh opposes it. [God says,]
“I’ll send fire. I’ll send frogs. I’ll send locusts. I got Pharaoh.”
Then they come to the sea. Sea standing in the way. God says,
“Step back. This battle ain’t yours; it’s MINE.”
“Well, we’re out here in the sand. You can’t grow tomatoes in the sand!”
God said,
“When you get up in the morning there’ll be stuff. Just pick it up and eat it.”
I need somebody who felt like you’ve been fighting a battle to stand up right now and take 30 seconds
and give it to God. Come on – get real! You’ve been fighting a battle and you felt like you had to win.
I need you to throw that thing back in God’s lap and say,
“This battle is NOT mine. This battle is GOD’s and I REFUSE to take it back in my hands!
Every Pharaoh. Every need supplied. Water to drink. Food to eat. Money to work with. Clothes to
wear. All the enemies that opposed me – I don’t have to defeat them. It is GOD who has to defeat
them. And they will be under my feet!”
Somebody shout,
“Under my feet!”
Hallelujah! Go ahead and stand up………
I just heard the Lord say,
“Give it to Him until the anxiety leaves.”
I heard Him say,
“Don’t stop giving it to Him until you no longer anxious.”
“Turn it loose! This is NOT your devil. This is NOT your demon. This is NOT your mountain.
This is NOT your battle. This is NOT your enemy. This is NOT your foe.”
They are opposing the purpose of God in your life, and God said,
“He wants to let you know that Pharaoh is His responsibility and NOT yours!!! Turn it loose and
stand down. And this day, you shall see the salvation of the Lord! I declare it thus saith the Lord.
In Jesus’ Name.”
Whoa!!! I don’t have to fight it no more! Give it away! This ain’t my fight!
Satan is scared to death of you. Satan is so frightened of you. Satan is so afraid of what you’re
doing if you’ll get your mind back and get your house in order. He’s so afraid of your children. He’s
so afraid of the Word you got this morning. You’ve got to HOLD on to this Word today. Hold on
to it tonight. Hold on to it this week. Because GOD…
Why is he attacking that area? Because he’s AFRAID of THAT area!
How freeing it is... How freeing it is to be able to leave this place today knowing that what you
thought you had to handle… Now, you’re going to have to handle your schedule, yeah. You’re going
to have to handle your checkbook. Yeah. That ain’t what I’m talking about.
But when things oppose your purpose, they are God’s battle.
I had some people sue me one time – personally. I’ve been sued a lot of times. And um, lawsuit
went on about 2 years. I was tired of it. That’s the problem with people in my position. Even if you
ain’t done nothing wrong, people will just drag it out so long it’s like a cloud that just stays on your
head and won’t ever leave you. They got money out of me unjustly and I had some people around
me that knew the “crime” and just watched it happened – how carnal it was; how evil it was. And I
was at peace but it tore friends of mine up. I mean I had friends that it just tore them…
“Why? Why did you let them? Why did you? Why did you…”
And I just quietly and confidently told them,
“Sit back and watch.”
Was I hurt? Yeah. I don’t mean I sat back in a lounge chair and drank iced tea and not effected. No.
No, it was very hurtful. But I was very calm. And I never had the desire to hit back. Because I knew
that what they were doing was opposing the call of God on my life. And see when you do that, put
yourself in a whole other battle. Ron is a small problem…when you oppose God’s purpose for Ron,
and the same with your life.
In 48 hours one of them was in prison. Where in a month another one’s business went bankrupt. I
mean, it was about 6 of them and you just watched them in a matter of 6 months their lives were
falling like flies. Why? Because I had enough sense to know – this is not my fight. This is not my fight.
My purpose of this whole message is to answer the question, ‘Why Am I Here?’ and preach about
God placing you here to pleasure Him. To position yourself to accomplish His will and bring Him pleasure.
The angels in Heaven sing a song,‘Thou Art Worthy.’ They’re singing it right now –
‘Thou Art Worthy to receive Glory and Honour – Thou Art Worthy.’
‘We were created, ALL THINGS were created.’
And they keep saying,
‘For His pleasure [we] were created.’
That’s why we’re here. So I guess this thing turned a corner on me today. When something stands
in the way of something God purposed, it’s not your fight to win. And you need to rest in
the fact that God is BENT on you reaching your destiny. Did you hear what I said?
BENT on it! To the point He says,
“I’ll work ALL things out in accordance with My will.”
He said,
“I don’t care how bad you screwed My will up. I’m still going to do it.”
So Father we praise you one more time. I want you to tell three people, say,
“I’ve turned this battle loose and I gave it to God today.”
Tell two more. Tell one more.
Ron Carpenter, Redemption World Outreach Church