That’s the struggle of faith – is being more confident of things you can’t see than
things you can.
That’s why I tell everybody that says,
“Living by faith is easy.”
I say,
“Come live it with me.”
Living by faith is being more confident in something God said than everything around me telling me,
“It’s a lie.”
That’s hard to live that way. That’s not an easy lifestyle when every thing in front of you says,
“It will never happen.”
But something INSIDE you keeps moving you forward. And do you know that is what the fight is
over? It’s over the thing that you aren’t…yet? The fight is never over ‘Present.’ The struggle is
always over ‘Future.’ Always over ‘Future.’
Can I go deeper? The place of your ATTACK always reveals what the enemy fears MOST about
you. There’s a lot of people that didn’t smile; you just looked at me when I said that. If you and your
husband or you and your wife are absolutely at each other’s throats, that should be a BLINKING light
to you…that your enemy is scared senseless of you together. If you are CONSTANTLY HIT with
financial adversity, satan is terrified for you to have money in your hands.
Why, when Mary was carrying Jesus, why was there a decree from Herod to kill babies? Because
Herod was not terrified of Mary – which is present. He was terrified of what Mary was carrying!
Why, when Moses was a child, was there a decree by Pharaoh…kill the babies? Not because of
present but because he was terrified of what Moses could be!
Why is it when you get a Word, satan comes immediately? Because he’s not scared of your present,
he’s scared of what God put in you today. He’s terrified of the Word you’re getting today. So the
place he comes and attacks reveals the thing he’s most afraid of. And if you could just look
at it like that…you would band together as a marriage; you would get your faith hunkered down with
your money.
> If he attacks your HEALTH, he’s terrified what you would do with your strength!
> If he attacks your mind, he is scared of what you would do if you had a sound mind!
ATTACK always REVEALS satan’s FEAR! Always.
Satan attacks one of my kids…you know what that shows me? He thinks I’m a mess. He’s terrified
what’s coming out of me. He starts attacking me and [Hope] – we hook arms. You know why? Because
he’s scared when we hook up. He’s scared.
I know that you’re getting attacked. Because I know that satan is afraid of you. And I know there is
a meeting going on in darkness right now because I’m revealing his hand. He’s saying,
‘What are we going to do with Redemption World Outreach Center?!’
Because he’s telling on me; he’s exposing me. He’s showing why I do what I do.
When you find out you have a destiny, you’re carrying something and the fight is always over
what you’re carrying. It’s never over where you are.
Ron Carpenter, Redemption World Outreach Church