4 just as He chose us [talking about God] in Him before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,
What did I preach last week? You didn’t choose Him. He chose you. When did He choose you?
He didn’t choose you the day you got saved. [You] were chosen before God said,
‘Let there be Light.’
And listen…they were chosen to be Holy and they were chosen to stand before God blameless
and although their sins may list from here to the mall parking lot, they were chosen before they
ever got here. They were chosen to stand before God blameless and Holy. What a God! So what
does that mean? You were known before you were.You were known before you were ever made.
You were thought out. There was plan. There was strategy. You’re not free falling. You’re
not walking around aimlessly through life, hoping that one day you make sense before you die.
You were chosen. Keep reading:
5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself,
according to the good pleasure of His will,
Now look, what did He do? He CHOSE us! Now He took it to the next step. Since He’s already
chosen you, He went and made you a destiny. God Almighty.
“Good pleasure” – Why? Cause He wanted to. You know why God chose you? He wanted to.
You know why that tears other people’s nerves up? Cause He wanted to you. And when He
didn’t do it to them, and they think they deserve it and He chose you. That really tears their
nerves up. When God said He’s going to use you, and you’re the least deserving one in the room,
that tears people’s nerves all to pieces. But what this is telling you is, God did not go get anybody
else’s permission to use you. God is not waiting on your family members to agree that you can be
great. He chose you and gave you a destiny according to His own pleasure. According to
His own will. God said,
“Because I wanted to. I went and picked out Sarah because I wanted Sarah. I went and
picked out Charlie because I wanted Charlie.”
And you say,
“Well with their past, how could God use them?”
It’s because God chose them before they had a past! So of you in here that think you are
disqualified because of your past, God chose you before your past ever got started.
So God chose you with your past in mind. So your past has no bearing on whatever it is
that God wants to do. Your past is in the past, and your destiny is in the future.
God didn’t go and pre-past you. He pre-destined you. Past is back here. Destiny is out here.
And when God chose you, He pre-destined you. He didn’t pre-past you. We’re just in chapter 1.
Now, let me move this thing a little forward a bit. Go to verse 9:
9 having made known to us the mystery of His will,
according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself,
Okay. God’s got a plan. God chose me. God’s made a destiny for my life and He did it just because
it pleasured Him to do it. Now He did all this stuff but it don’t do no good if I don’t know it. So
now He turns around and made known to us the mystery of His will. Why did He let me know?
According to His pleasure - because He wants to. God chose me 'cause He wanted to and then
He told me ‘cause He wanted to. I love that stuff!
Ron Carpenter, Redemption World Outreach Church