identifies and acquaints Himself with what He wants to happen and take place and do with your life
while you’re here on earth.
Now here’s another thing you got to understand about that picture. God reveals that picture piece
by piece. Some of you are waiting on a, what I call a ‘potential’ or a ‘break through’ event where
every blessing God’s ever promised you is going to drop on you at one point. And you don’t
understand. The picture unfolds to you on a DAILY basis. This is a step-by-step process.
Jesus said,
‘You live off every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’
I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, but tomorrow God will tell me what’s going to happen.
I get up in the morning and I begin to tell God,
‘Order my steps. Connect me to the right people. Let the right words come out of my mouth. If
I have an opportunity to be a blessing, let me be it. Let me sow seed in the right place.’
I got to recognize a moment. I got to recognize the Voice of the Holy Ghost. See, some of you
just get up tomorrow and go! That’s not the way you’re supposed to live. That takes the adventure
of God out of it. Then when tomorrow night comes, you’re not fulfilled.
Because you didn’t spend your day trying to please God! You just got up and spent your day
going. Am I talking to anybody in this room?!?
You just spent your day going. See, the way God unfolds purpose and His pleasure DEMANDS
continual exchange. And a lot of people just been taught to go to church. They don’t understand it;
they don’t get that. I got here by CONTINUAL exchange. God did not show me this in 1991 when
I started this church. This has been a long, 20 year road of many, hundreds of thousands of
conversations with God. And little pieces coming to me at a time where He would begin to give me
snapshots of my tomorrow and snapshots of my future.
And then I would do my best to take a step in that direction. And every once in a while maybe
because I didn’t hear; every once in a while because I was hard-headed; maybe because I was
rebellious; maybe because my emotions got the best of me and I made a bad decision. But there’s
been some times He told me to go this way and I went that way. But God was so bent that he would
grab me and TURN me right back around and put me right back on course.
Now I need to spend thirty seconds talking to some people that:
X your emotions have gotten the best of you,
X your temper has got the best of you,
X your discouragement has got the best of you,
And you’re just kind of mad at God right now and you’re going every which of way. But before this
service ends, God’s going to grab your shirt collar, jerk you up and put you back on a straight path.
Because you weren’t put here to wander through a wilderness.
You were put here to get into a land flowing with milk and honey.
And you can take the short route or long one but you will get there. Somebody shout, ‘Amen!’
Ron Carpenter, Redemption World Outreach Church