Did you know that there's power in what you say?
Growing up as a young Christian, I felt like I was called to live an abundant life. I desired an overcoming, victorious, powerful life. But my early years were filled with struggles and frustrations because I had not discovered the power of my words.
The Bible tells us, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue..." (Proverbs 18:21).
As I studied the Bible, the Lord began to show me what the Bible says about the impact of our words. I began to learn how to confess God's Word and speak words of faith over every situation.
These were revelational truths that changed my life...and they can change your life too!
What you speak over yourself
has life-changing power!
Many believers have been taught to stop making negative confessions over their lives.
However, for some, even though they no longer declare sickness, poverty and dysfunction over themselves and their families, they are not experiencing change and God's manifested promises.
Let me explain with an illustration—if you left your lawn untended for a month what would happen? Would you come back to a neat, landscaped lawn? No, you'd see thorns and weeds instead of beautiful grass. Why? Because the natural tendency of the things of this world is to degenerate and to move toward the negative.
You see, the whole creation fell when Adam fell. The Bible says the whole creation is groaning in pain (see Romans 8:22). If you stop saying negative things, but don't say anything positive either, you're still allowing the thorns and weeds of this fallen world into your life.
It's not enough to stop making negative confessions; it's time for you to boldly declare God's promises over your life.
To overcome the negative,
you have to begin speaking the positive.
When you speak positive words—when you confess God's promises—you begin experiencing the manifested goodness and favor of God in unprecedented ways.
It's important to understand that the words you speak contain power, not because of anything you have done—it's because of what our Lord Jesus did on your behalf.
Revelation 1:56 tells us that Jesus, "who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood... made us kings and priests to His God and Father..." What does that have to do with the words we speak today? Let's see how the Bible interprets the Bible.
In Ecclesiastes 8:4, the Bible says "Where the word of the king is, there is power;" in Deuteronomy 21:5, the Bible tells us that by the word of the priest "every controversy and every assault shall be settled."
As a king, your words have power over every situation you face; as a priest, every assault of the enemy and every controversy will be settled by your words.
My friend, that's good news!
Perhaps you have a physical condition that doctors say you have to be on long-term medication for. Or maybe you have a debt that you just can't seem to pay off.
Through Jesus' perfect work at the cross, God has given you power and authority to change your situation.
Right now, you have a choice: you can allow your words to agree with what the circumstances of life are saying, OR you can allow your words to declare the truth of what God says about you.
I'm not asking you to ignore the fact that you may have sickness in your body, or may be in a current state of lack or that you might be struggling in any area of your life.
I'm asking you to confess the truth of God's Word in the face of the facts in your life. Death and life are in the power of your tongue, so speak life!
Jesus is the reason you can boldly confess health, wholeness, wisdom, abundance, restoration, favor, long life and so much more.
Because of Jesus, you can declare today:
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:21)
I am healed (Isaiah 53:5)
I am favored (Psalm 5:12)
I am a joint heir with Jesus (Romans 8:17)
Everything I put my hand to will prosper (3 John 1:2)
I am accepted and approved (Ephesians 1:6)
I will have a long life (Psalm 91:16)
These aren't just some man-made, positive confessions. These are faith-filled, biblical confessions of God's goodness in your life.
This is how you line up your faith with those things God has already promised you!
Second Corinthians 1:20 says it this way...
For all the promises of God in Him are Yes,
and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.
That means when you speak God's promises over your life, you are saying "amen" to everything God has already said "yes" to.
Your relationships, your business, your health, your family—every part of your life is impacted when you learn to speak faith-filled words on a daily basis.
You can live at rest, confessing the goodness of God, because His promises are yes and amen in your life.
Remember, there is power when you speak God's Word over your life. Confess His grace, His favor, His goodness and experience power and victory like never before.
In His grace,
Joseph Prince
Dearest friend, remember today that WHAT you speak has an enormous impact on the kind of life you live. Your words have power, and your miracle is in your mouth!