"For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more." (Hebrews 8:12)
Your Sins He Remembers No More
Have such thoughts crossed your mind and discouraged you from reaching out to God for your healing or some other breakthrough?
Such thoughts that condemn you aren’t from God or the Holy Spirit. They originate from the devil. The enemy wants you sin-conscious and will even tell you that it’s “godly” to be mindful of your failures.
But God doesn’t want you sin-conscious—that’s not honoring what His Son has done for you at the cross. In fact, He declares in His Word that your sins and lawless deeds He remembers no more! God’s not keeping an itemized account of your sins. So why are you?
Beloved, don’t be sin-conscious today. Be Son-conscious, and watch God’s healing and provision for your every need manifest!
Joseph Prince