That’s the leadership and ministry of the Holy Ghost.
Keith Moore
It is! He said He will lead you into all the Truth, He will guide you, He will bring all things to your
remembrance, He’ll show you things to come. That’s living in a supernatural ‘knowing.’ Being enlightened
night and day. And so much more is available to us than what we’ve walked in.
And I can see 3 things in the life of Jesus, why He walked that way – that we must embrace if we’re going
to walk that way:
1) He had a complete knowledge of the written Word.
And He walked in the Light of the written Word without fail. If you walk in the Light of the Word, you’re
going to walk in Light.
2) He prayed and communed with the Father.
He prayed… a lot. And He communed with the Father. And He walked in the Light, which leads to
the third part.
3) He never failed to do what the Father said.
Everything He heard the Father say He said. Everything He saw the Father do and do through Him,
He did. He did always those things that PLEASED the Father. He never failed to do what the
Father told Him to do. And because of that, He had NO darkness in Him. No confusion. No
ignorance. He didn’t walk in omniscience, but everything HE needed to know at any given time,
He knew it.
Kenneth Copeland
You talked earlier in John 16:13-15… He said, ‘When the Spirit of Truth has come, He will glory Me. He
will take what is Mine and show it to you.’ But then He said, ‘All that the Father has is Mine and I say
again He’ll take what’s Mine and show it unto you.’
Keith, that’s mind-boggling! All that the Father has! Well, He’s talking about all that the Father has for me.
He’ll show it unto me! Everything that I ever need to know – day by day by day by day. He will do it,
but not without you commit to do what He shows you to do!
Keith Moore
It’s so simple, but people are missing it. We’ve all messed up in these areas. BUT that is why so MANY
are SO confused. And so ignorant and so stumbling around and hurting and searching.
But the big error is when folk’s say,
‘Well yeah, but I’m doing everything I know to do. And I just don’t know why it’s like this.’
THAT’S the lie! That’s what the Scripture said in 1 John. If you say you’re fellowshipping with Him but
you’re walking in darkness, He said you’re lying. You’re lying because you’re not doing the Truth. You’re
not doing everything you know to do, because if you did it would clear up. You just know the next step and
you take it and that leads you.
Kenneth Copeland
It wouldn’t have to be a whole lot of stuff, and has to be something you already know because if it wasn’t
you aren’t responsible for that.
Keith Moore
Exactly. Exactly. Walking in the Light that you have.
Keith Moore, Faith Life Church, Branson, MO; Kenneth Copeland,

Today's post concludes the Walking in the Fullness of God's Light series by Keith Moore.
Back in December of 2010, the Holy Spirit gave me 2 words: Rebuilding & Restoration
for the next 6 months. Those 6 months ended in May 2011. Now, I feel the Spirit is
telling me: GAIN WISDOM for the next 3 months. So, my posts may reflect more on
that subject.
Have a Blessed day!
Healed of Cancer